
The president is responsible for the coordination of the board and the overview of the coordinators. He is the person, with whose support and guidance we operate. He is responsible for representing our organisation to the university’s community and to fellow organisations and is the connection link with the international bodies of BEST.

The president, as every member of the board, is elected every year from our members.

The Vice President for Human Resources is part of the board and is the responsible for the human resources of the organisation.In particular, she is responsible for the recruitment and smooth integration of the new members, along with the development of all members inside the organisation. 

She accomplishes all this with the help of her trusted team, which she coordinates.

The Vice President for Human Resources, as every member of the board, is elected every year from our members.

The Public Relations Coordinator is responsible for all of  our public relations. These include collaborations with other organisations and media, promotion of our events and the administration of our social media. Furthermore, he takes care of the design materials that we use for the promotion and the photographic coverage of our events.

He accomplishes all this with the help of his trusted team, which he coordinates.

The PR Coordinator, as every coordinator, is elected every year from our members.

The FundRaising Coordinator is responsible for raising the necessary funds to organise our events. He accomplishes all this with the help of his trusted team, which he coordinates. He is also responsible, along with the treasurer, for every financial technicality that arises.

The FR Coordinator, as every coordinator, is elected every year from our members.

The VIP Responsible represents our local BEST group in the virtual international plenary of BEST.

However, what is the virtual international plenary? It is a virtual space, where proposals for the future of BEST are discussed and voted upon by all local BEST groups.

The VIP Responsible, as every coordinator, is elected every year from our members.