BEST (Board of European Students of Technology), is a constantly growing non-profit and non-political organisation. Since 1989 we provide communication, co-operation and exchange possibilities for students all over Europe. More information available here.
93 Local BEST Groups (LBGs) in 34 countries are creating a growing, well organised, powerful, young and innovative student network.
BEST strives to help European students of technology to become more internationally minded, by reaching a better understanding of European cultures and developing capacities to work on an international basis. Therefore we create opportunities for the students to meet and learn from one another through our academic and non-academic events and educational symposia. “Learning makes the master”, but the final goal is a good working place, therefore we offer services like an international career centre to broaden the horizons for the choice on the job market.
Our priority is to offer high quality services for students all over Europe. Thus, we manage to bring all the partners in the “student – company – university” triangle closer.
In Greece, BEST is active in five Universities and Technical Universities: the National Technical University of Athens, the University of Patras, the Technical University of Crete, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Democritus University of Thrace.