Choosing to enter treatment or begin any kind of substance abuse recovery program can be scary, […]
Some states have legalized recreational marijuana use. As result, a large portion of the American public […]
Sober living homes serve as transitional housing for individuals recovering from substance use disorders. These individuals […]
True recovery programs will offer one-on-one assistance from a healthcare provider and various counseling and therapy […]
The most addictive drugs can cause widespread addiction and public health problems. A number of researchers […]
This instrument has demonstrated reliability and validity in a similar setting to this study [45]. The […]
More research is needed, however, before definitive conclusions about the effectiveness of integrated treatment can be […]
Provide information about these resources and offer to help them navigate the process. If addiction has […]
The brain also begins to repair some of the damage and shrinkage you may have experienced […]
Recovering alcoholics experience substantial and variedthinking deficits at 2 weeks into recovery. Many patients who experience […]